Improving Physical Literacy for children and youth in Chatham-Kent

Learn MoreAbout Us

Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent is a collaborative project funded by an Ontario Trillium Foundation Grow Grant to build on and improve physical literacy for children and youth in Chatham-Kent. Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent will build capacity through training of over 800 community leaders to provide high quality physical literacy experiences and programming for children and youth 0 to 12 years of age though the early years, education, health, recreation, and sport sectors. Through various communication channels, Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent will highlight the importance of physical literacy, and how physically literate children and youth have a lot more fun being physically active, and physically active children and youth get higher grades in school, have better social skills, and are happier and more confident.

Goals of Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent

  • To build a community where people understand, value, and develop physical literacy, and participate in quality physical activity that supports their well-being
  • A community where parents, educators, coaches, and practitioners are informed, trained, and supported in delivering quality physical literacy experiences and programs

Goals of Physical Literacy Chatham-Kent

To build a community where people understand, value, and develop physical literacy, and participate in quality physical activity that supports their well-being

A community where parents, educators, coaches, and practitioners are informed, trained, and supported in delivering quality physical literacy experiences and programs

What is Physical Literacy?

Activities & Events